A Complete Guide to Sterile Water

The pharmaceutical industry uses different grades of water. Each one of them differs in the application, methods of preparation, and quality attributes. Water is generally divided into two categories; the first is the bulk prepared on-site and packed waters which are produced, packed, and sterilized. Also, the microbial qualities of packed ones are preserved throughout their shelf life. There is another category of waters with no monographs, and names have been given to describe them.

The pharmaceutical industry uses several types of water for the preparation of the drug; some of them are listed as follows:

Sterile Water for Injections

You can find the specifications of Sterile water for injections 10 ml in USP monographs. These are packed and stored in suitable containers whose size should not exceed 1000 ml or placed in type one glass. Both sterility tests and Pyrogenic tests have been performed on the water, which declared them and were fit for use based on the test results.


  1. Sterile water for injections is widely used for parenteral fluid replenishment after the addition of suitable additives. There osmolar concentrations should not be less than two fifths to prevent the process of intravascular hemolysis from occurring.

  2. Used in extemporization preparation compounding.


Sterile water for injections is generally supplied in single doses after packing them in plastic containers.

Bacteriostatic Water for Injection

Bacteriostatic water for injections involves the addition of Antimicrobial agents to sterile water for injections. Ideally, it can be stored in containers that aren’t greater than 5 ml or in the ones not exceeding 30 ml. Go through the name and the proportion of agent added to the water before using it.


Added as a diluent during the preparation of parenteral products.


Sterile water for injection is added to water during the preparation stage.

Sterile Water for Inhalation

Inhaler is a piece of medical equipment that transports the medicine to the lungs and helps a person breathe properly. Sterile water for inhalation is commonly used in the preparation of inhaler and inhaler solutions. It is generally packed and rendered sterile before it is intended for use. It has less stringent specifications for bacterial endotoxins than Sterile Water for injections; that is why its use is prohibited in Parenteral applications.


  • Preparing the use of inhalers and inhalant solutions

In conclusion, the pharmaceutical industry uses different types of water to serve different purposes. The use of sterile water for injections differs from Bacteriostatic water for injections. Therefore, it must be administered by qualified healthcare staff as they have adequate knowledge information about the storage and the quantity to be added in the drugs.


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